Algiers ferry - huh?

if you mean 'must pay for themselves' i have to disagree.
too often we take a way too narrow view of the efficacy of public transportation - public transportation shouild be a means by which the public has access to as much as a city/region has to offer (jobs, entertainment/culture) as possible - "paying for itself" is completely beside the point
steps should be made to encourage more not less public transportation

the ferry has survived numerous hurricanes, the depression, economic downturns of the late 70s and early 90s - and now when the city is doing very well and the state is doing...ok -- now all of a sudden we can't afford the ferry? - that's a damned lie

No other public transportation is "free." Street car riders pay a fare. Bus riders pay a fare.Why should the ferries be free?

And why should the ferries be free for the pedestrian riders but cost people who don't use them money?

I have subsidized the ferries for 7 years. If they are not cost effective then a sustainable alternative for pedestrians to cross the river needs to be found. And if they can be made cost effective by charging a fare to FERRY RIDERS then that is what should happen.