Ironman 3 (Extremis)

My personal opinion: I don't think they'll try and tie him into the Avengers. Personally, I would love if they went the Marvel Knights route (Punisher, Ghost Rider) and made a darker, grittier film as it better fits the Hells Kitchen aesthetic. The only trade off is Disney wouldn't touch the film with a 10-foot billy club and it'd probably not make money (or enough for them) as a result. And I would guess the non-comic-reading masses probably still have the bad taste of Ben Affleck as Daredevil in their mouths and wouldn't care much for a reboot (example: Dredd). I saw Daredevil in the theaters and didn't care for it much, but I've heard the director's cut is much better. But I was so turned off by the original cut that I haven't bothered myself to check it out yet.

I'd love to see them use some of the more street level heroes together with the SHIELD series. Having Daredevil, Moon Knight, etc. pop up on the show would be a great way to set up the characters for films or shows of their own.

I also wouldn't be entirely shocked if we see Matt Murdoch as himself long before we see him as Daredevil. The lawyer angle would give him plenty to do even without showing him in the tights right away, and it's less complicated to set up.