My personal opinion: I don't think they'll try and tie him into the Avengers. Personally, I would love if they went the Marvel Knights route (Punisher, Ghost Rider) and made a darker, grittier film as it better fits the Hells Kitchen aesthetic. The only trade off is Disney wouldn't touch the film with a 10-foot billy club and it'd probably not make money (or enough for them) as a result. And I would guess the non-comic-reading masses probably still have the bad taste of
Ben Affleck as Daredevil in their mouths and wouldn't care much for a reboot (example: Dredd). I saw Daredevil in the theaters and didn't care for it much, but I've heard the director's cut is much better. But I was so turned off by the original cut that I haven't bothered myself to check it out yet.