The Niners and Cowboys wanted Vaccaro badly

My whole point of this is basically because I hate Jim Harbaugh. I think Harbaugh has something personal against the Saints to be honest. I guess he is kinda like that with everybody really, but I hate him. And when he had the nerve to say that he thinks they got the best safety in the draft, I didn't like that too much. So I did some investigating of my own, and I remembered the Niners wanted to move in front of us.

Well after looking back at the draft now, I don't see any trade partners for the Niners anywhere in front of us. The teams that traded back didn't trade back far. I love the fact that Harbaugh was probably crying in the war room. "I want cake". Only this time it was "I want Vaccaro" :smilielol: God. I love it. :smilielol: