Certainly the company's insurance after filing suit but keep in mind, he didn't sign on knowing people will be swinging crates at his legs intentionally. Compare apples to apples please.
Try this one; Let's say you hire on at a petro chemical plant and after 10 years you leave and shortly afterward you become sick with a condition long thought to be connected to chemicals present where you used to work. How do you get a previous employer to accept any responsibility? You hire an attorney and either convince a judge, a jury or the company,s attorney to cover you. If you lose you accept whatever help you can get.
That's how it works for you and I. Maybe not always the best results, but it's how the system works. I love football, but the players are just like you and I.
Hopefully the players union gets smart about taking care of future retirees in its next negotiations. I believe the reality of taking less money now in wages to protect their future will probably doom the possibility though.