Do no harm: Who should bear the costs of retired NFL players’ medical bills?

What is it for you to understand the practical outcome of "someone" has to pay?

If no one pays.....ultimately the taxpayers will....its always been like that. The ex-player has no insurance to begin with.....both the NFL & THE UNION HAVE BIG TIME LAWYERS WHO WILL GET THEIR CLIENTS OFF THE HOOK....well, who else is left?

The taxpayers.....that's who.

Unless is perfectly OK with you to keep these guys, for whom thousands of fans cheered for a long this condition. Don't touch him.....he is no one's problem.....

What freaking twisted mentality....

Really??? So cuz he's your hero, he should get some special treatment.. What about the dude on the park bench that is homeless and needs medical care.... Isn't it "human" to take care of him??? At what point is it each individual's responsibility to take care of them self???

I love football but I pay for my tickets, my NFL directv etc and if these guys wana knock them self silly for 15 years for my enjoyment, that's on them.... That's not on me... If they want to feel the roar of the crowed, there's a price to pay and I don't believe the world owes them something because I enjoyed the game they played in... It's on THEM to decide when enough is enough!!!