Do no harm: Who should bear the costs of retired NFL players’ medical bills?

Try this one; Let's say you hire on at a petro chemical plant and after 10 years you leave and shortly afterward you become sick with a condition long thought to be connected to chemicals present where you used to work.

This is completely different then an NFL player... I don't imagine the guy at the chemical plant walked by the barrels of chemicals and inhaled a big breath every time they passed by or mixed some stuff from that bucket into their coffee, it was negligence by the company... That employee should be taken care of

Now an NFL player chooses to abuse his body on a daily bases, takes a shot and goes out and does it again and when he's barely holding himself together, he gets cut and 15 years passes buy and his knees just don't hold up anymore, he wants someone to pay for it...

There is nothing gut wrenching about that to me...

Tell me the story about the people who adopted a infant, crackhead baby and 4 years later they're bankrupt cuz of unexpected and uncovered medical bills from the child.... I sent those guys $100 after seeing that story on 60 minutes...