Lets say you were to win the powerball....

On the anonymity issue in Louisiana:

So trust or not, you can run, but you can't hide.

I already planned this out, some time ago. I'd move to another state, stake out my residency, change my name, then wait about 6 months and then claim the prize. I'd tell my local media I was traveling when I bought the ticket. The the Louisiana media would publish is as someone from up north named Theodore Crockett bought the ticket when traveling to NOLA. It would be a non-story down here, and my yellow hair and Duck Dynasty beard would make me unnoticeable to the casual glance most of who knows me would give.

Then I'd change my name back, move back here with my boat load of money, and just tell people I got a new job while away, which would explain my new house and cars. Should be enough to keep the greedy, self entitled family away.

I'm sure there is a kink in my logic, but its fun planning it atleast.