What to do when an inspector misses stuff?

It's not his job to "look into" a roof. An inspector can't start removing shingles and digging into issues like that in order to see rotted wood. That's a roof contractor's job.

The inspector can only look at immediately visible things.

The inspector should have recommened a licensed roofer to come look at it. But in his opinion of the damage was that it did not appear to be a major issue from what he could see.

As I've stated a couple of times before, what the buyers do with that info is up to them. But me, I wouldn't take an inspectors word on something like this. He did his job once he pointed out/acknowledged that there was a roof stain and that it could have been caused by water.

Did I mention getting on the roof? Lmao. What's wrong with going into the attic? That would determine if indeed the roof is sagging no? And as a home inspector it's their job to go through every component of the house to assure there's no significant damage.

OP post pics of this sag so we can tell you if this is something easily missed or if it was neglible.

Here's a thing though. The home inspector was there, wife pointed out a flaw. He said no worries. Before you closed on it, why didn't you look into it further?