Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord"

lolol...if you know you kids will sneak out the house to night and your in the yard waiting for her to come out the window she still had free will to sneak out she just got caught!
No no, all knowing means god knows what time youre born, what age you'll steal, what age you'll die and how. Yet somehow youre supposed to be in control right? If this so called god knows everything about you the moment you're born? You have no control, its already pre-determined and suicide,catastrophic death, illness, still born, crib death, and everything else is known already there would be absolutely no reason to exist IMO if being born to die within 6 months or 15 yrs or however long and god knows this, why would he do it? To test parents? Thats more along the lines of making them suffer dont you think?