Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord"

whah you added a bunch of stuff and i want to help u understand but nwo it doesnt sound like you want too if you know what i mean...since yall are gettin ugly I dont know but if we cant talk like grow men and be nice i think it better I leave the topic...its a question of faith...i will do like those red letters say turn the other cheek :)
It's perfecty fine to have faith in whatever you choose.Even to believe in whatever you choose. But when you come to say that you "understand" your faith completely and tell someone that they are misguided because you're confidence in belief is much more apparent, yet cant actually prove the existence of an all powerful, all knowing and all loving being that dates back to the beginning of time, its hard to make someoen believe what you think is so true.

I've met a few ppl who have actually made their "higher power" things on earth. From rocks to trees to nutria rats. It helped them to form a positive outlook on life. Are they wrong for believing in that? I think not. Faith is just a from of positiveness in YOUR life. Not anyone elses. Religion may help one person while an inanimate object may help another. No one is right or wrong as long as its positive is the point I'm getting at. There is no concrete proof of something in existence that has been handed down from the dawn of time.