Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord"

just because he knows what your going to do does not mean you dont have free choice.

Actually, it does. Most people think of this question in terms of the human definition of 'know'. Which includes some tiny possibility of being wrong. But Omniscience isn't like that. Yahweh cannot possibly be wrong. It's written into the fabric of the universe (which incidentally, he created). If there is no possibility whatsoever that you won't do what he's foreseen you doing, your 'free will' is an illusion. You are/were/will never, ever do anything but what he knows/knew/will know, you're going to do. You're the driver of a slot car, turning the wheel in perfect symmetry with the twisting track and you've no more choice in the matter than he does.
If you have a choice to pic A,B,C, or D you have free choice. However no matter which one you choose he knew before you made the choice. Free will has not been taken away. Your trying to place the mortal bonds on god. They do not apply, he is above them. He created them for us not for himself.

Exactly. You're just drawing the wrong conclusion. It's not about being forced, it's about being able to choose B when he saw you choosing D. You can't. No way, no how. It's impossible to choose B, B may as well not exist.