Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord"

Um free will? you have to have the right to do what you want he cant control everyoneor at least he doesn't...suicide is a terrible choice but a choice none the lest, life is what we make it...and u mispelled 'ridiculous'

I mean if you want to follow down this rabbit hole then you start to run into other issues. What about people born with mental disorders? Painful physical deformities that make them beg for death on a daily basis. If this person is freed from the daily pain by assisted suicide are they condemned to hell? What about someone born with a mental deformity that makes them prone to violent acts. Can god judge them on the same level as a perfectly sane person? If he is all powerful, he could have stopped the person from being born that way. He simply chose not to. Free will was never part of the equation.

I've already addressed this. It has nothing to do with deserving. Also most Christians don't see death and going to heaven as a bad thing. So its not a question of deserving to live but deserving to go to heaven. Most Christians believe we are here for a reason or reasons. In the aspect of life these reasons could be minor or very serious. Our life however short or long does not end until we have done What we have been sent here to do.

Well if there is an eternal afterlife, then really all of this is meaningless. A molecule size period of life before the infinity of afterlife. That's a lot of pressure to put on imperfect beings surrounded by pain and suffering. What were we before this minuscule period of life?

We obviously have very different belief systems, and that's fine, as long as neither of us force the other to believe what we believe. I rather put my stock in logic and science, evidence of what I see before me.