Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord"

Wait are you saying to a Christian that suffering is all negative? Really...

Without suffering Christ couldn't suffer for our sins. Why wouldn't Christianity think suffering is a positive; a route to spiritual maturity. I think maybe you should do some research on Christianity and suffering. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Front page you will read all the positive that is coming out from this tragedy.

God allows suffering is a factual statement. The question is why?

I again have never used the word "tough love", If you want to believe this word that's fine. A more appropriate term would be "love". You have used this phrase now twice from what you have read from my statements. I used the analogy of a child to describe the maturity one gets from seeing, alleviating, and experiencing suffering. The idea of suffering, death, and life are all key points in our world. You can't have one without the other. Suffering does have positives which is why I believe God allows suffering.

Actually, it is my knowledge of Christianity that turned me away from it. Anyway, I could easily tell you why there was no need for a "Jesus", but that's not what this thread is about. You can believe what you want to, but the twisted Christian definition of "love," is something that I want no part of.