A bite from this tick can give you an allergy to red meat


Finally...some recognition.

My sister was bitten by this tick in Fayetteville in 2008. Went to ER. They treated her immediately with a cocktail of antibiotics to stave off Lyme Disease. Within 1 month, while out eating a burger, she developed hives. Didnt think much of it. The very next week, she was eating roast beef and had an allergic reaction. Couldnt believe it.

She went to several docs in the Arkansas region. Batteries of tests but nothing. She did was convinced it was from the tick bite yet every Doc she saw said no way. Until she found a Doc in North Carolina. She traveled there to see him in 2010 and it was then she got her answer. It was the tick. They had studied this thing for years but it was relatively unknown.

She is allergic to all red meat. She can eat chicken and fish, but thats it.

Good news is, she was told the allergy made "fade" in several years as long as she doenst "challenge" it. She will be retested in 5 years to see the level of allergy she has.