Attorneys for New Orleans' "most notorious street criminal" seek court order to identity of witnesses

Teh Feds have figured this out for the most dangerous, most powerful and largest criminal organizations in the country. Surely they can figure it out for for street criminals in New Orleans. It's just thow many resources and how much money they decide to use to protect witnesses and clean this mess up. The Gulf Coast faced the same problem with the Dixie Maffia until the Sherry murders when the Feds decided to put the resources into it and shut it down at all costs. It can be done.

The witness protection program is largely a federal program for informants who rat on their associates.

The WPP consists of changing your identity, cutting ties with friends, co-workers, and some family members, relocating, getting a new job, and in some cases, reconstructive facial surgery. Sorry, but i'm probably not willing to go through that as a potential witness.