The latest "disease" - obesity
It wont. You see drug addiction or alcoholism changing with all the rehab facilities? Nope. Its just places to send ppl to heal a little then go back out and do it all over again. (though some do recover) Any psychological disease that affects you emtotionally is can only be overcome by that person. Nothing in the world will stop a person from doing what they like to do no matter how destructive it is to them and their environment unless you lock that person up or institutionalize them.
Obesity had 2 forms. One is medically, the other is psychological. Medically, sometimes youre still unable to control it. Psychological obesity, you can control it only if you get your mind right and build yourself up. It takes a lot of will power ect. Most dont have the drive to get there. THye wish in one hand and crap in the other watching one fill up faster.