The latest "disease" - obesity

There was a Dr Oz episode recently that showed how the food industry has us "hooked".

For example, a bag of chips or things like that, have lots of salt.
He had a large container of water (or some other solution) with red dye in it so you could see any action.
He then put in a pinch of normal salt and it bubbled up and you could understand the party your toungue gets when you eat it.
He then put in a pinch of this "Super Salt" that the food companies use and it reacted like a volcano. It was like Mardi Gras in your mouth.

I totally agree with the "junk food junkies" assessment in your original post, but Dr. Oz advocates pseudo-science like homeopathy, and the "super salt" demonstration was probably just some trick with vinegar and baking soda.

That shouldn't stop you -- and me, for that matter -- from putting down the bag of chips and picking up a salad fork. I know I feel better when I eat better, and just a few bites of the junky stuff makes me crave more junky stuff.

It mystifies me how a guy with such an illustrious medical background can be in favor of that kind of "water memory" mumbo-jumbo.