St Jude Home Question

If you read, the said house won was appraised at $750k. I reduced it $100K in hopes of selling it quicker. A home that appraises at $550-650k, trying to just sell it when its USED in this housing market is pretty hard to do. Since this is a brand new home appraised at said $750, Id assume $640 it may sell quicker. If need be, you could reduce the price accordingly in hopes of selling it faster to pay off the loan and have the money to you in a short amount of time. Idk? I do know somethign appraised at that much basically handed to you for a (small) fee should yeild yourself a profit of at LEAST $250k on the small end. Regardless, you're standing to net a profit. This is different than just trying to sell a home unless the home was "given" to you.

If I were to somehow win this home valued at $575,000, roughly how much would the taxes be?

This was a conversation with some friends the other day and most people say the average person can't pay the taxes on prizes so high, but isn't it 10%?
