I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

I do not think that the Bill of Rights - or any Amendments - have one, or even a few, meanings/purposes, etc. That is what I gather an "originalist" believes. But that makes no sense - as people can agree on the wording of a phrase but not agree as to its purpose or its intent. The "founding fathers" certainly disagreed over meanings and intents - but why limit yourself to them if you are an "originalist" since it is "we the people" who established the Constitution.

Anyways - if you believe the wording of the 2nd Amendment was intended to protect the people/states from a tyrannical government then doesn;t it stand to reason that the people/states should have access to the weapons the central government has? I mean while having some amount (if history is any indicator it will be very very far from most) of resistance with handguns, rifles, and shotguns will cause problems for any government trying to exert its will - it certainly wouldn;t be a match for anything like what the U.S. military has become today.

You're on very shaky historical ground here, JE. The adoption of the Bill of Rights did have a purpose vis a vis the adoption of a new government through the Constitution which compared to the articles centralized power. The colonists didn't want to go through the sam nonesense 30 years later with a king.

Do you believe "we the people" have a right to rebel against what may be percieved as a tyrannical government? The right to rebel is the right of every enlightened polity according to most of the philosophers who influenced the framers.