I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

Reb, the founding fathers were influenced by john Locke and John Stuart Mills, but IMHO their is one big thing they overlooked: Slavery. Thats the biggest thing that hurt this country for the longest time. Jefferson wanted to go farther and outlaw the slave trade but couldn't because of Southern representatives demanding it. Thats a good warning sign Reb IMHO that trouble was coming. You know I understand we were trying to build a country at the time but man slavery existed for almost 100 years after the Revolution, and Segregation took its place.

Reb we are paying the price for the slavery problem today, or as they saw it the peculiar institution as it was called in the day.

Jefferson had to have known we he wrote the words all men are created equal, that something was not totally right. He was an educated man Reb he knew the contradictions in this writing he was saying. And he lived till 1826 and probably saw the problems the slavery question had gone too. and he may have indeed regretted not doing it IMHO, but thats pure speculation