I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

There wasn;t gun control in the South in the 1950s and 1960s - yet a central government came in and forced people (arguably a large majority) and states to submit against their will. Why?
I think part of the answer (maybe not the most important part) lies in the fact that the federal government had so much more power - brute physical power.

And don;t get me wrong - I am not arguing that people do not have the right to bear arms. I am questioning the idea of why we have that right.

Well you are severely underestimating the ability of a determined population over a great area to institute an armed rebellion. We're struggling to occupy a country of 26 million people crammed into 169,000 sq/m. The state of Texas alone is 20 million/260,000 sq/m.

Admittly we don't have AK-47s or RPGs, but there's little doubt any sizeable "rebellion" would give the US significant trouble in occupying the area, and native guns would figure into it.

I admit I think some people may have watched Red Dawn a bit too many times but we're a lot more capable of rebellion then you seem to be giving credit too.