I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

Cool Thread. I am not as well versed in some area like I probably should be but here goes:

Gun Control - like someone said earlier fine by me if you want to own a gun, but why would you need an assualt rifle?

Gay Marriage - If bob and steven want to get married then great. I am not in the business of being all up in peoples koolaid. I dont get why people are so riled up about this. If it doesnt effect you and yours then what the hell?

Abortion - I dont agree with it but I dont have to carry a child for 9 months and everything that comes with it.

Church & State - seperate

Taxes - I hate seeing so much of my check going to other places. I dont know

Foreign Policy - I wasnt against going to Iraq but I feel at this time there is no end in sight and no kinda plan or exit strategy. I feel like let them fend for themselves.

Education - Every school should have the same opportunities and tools for learning no matter where they are geographically located.

Welfare - I dont welfare should be a lifetime thing. it should be used as a tool to get you to a better place. I have seen people who really need it and are honestly trying and I have seen the opposite.