I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table
Gun Control -I don't trust the military and the police having a monopoly on arms and with the power to determine which civilians may have them.
Gay Marriage / Abortion -In the area of family law the government should be in the business of adjudicating contracts between consenting adults and advocating for the interests of children. That the role of determining which unions are sacred and which are profane should be a matter for the various churches.
Whatever you believe abortion is, we know one thing: government doesn't work, and it is as incapable of eliminating abortions as it is of eliminating poverty or drugs. The government should not be able to impose it's way on abortion. For those who are pro-life, if you want to reduce abortions, there are much better ways than by depending on the government — because it will only disappoint you. Every day you spend trying to get the government to do something to reduce abortions is a day wasted, a day that could have been spent doing something effective about abortion
Church and State -very separate
Taxes -<s>show me a law in the books that says I have to pay income tax. You can't.</s>
Foreign policy -The United States government should return to the historic libertarian tradition of avoiding entangling alliances, abstaining totally from foreign quarrels and imperialist adventures, and recognizing the right to unrestricted trade, travel, and immigration.
Education -Obviously not America's strong point. Again, the government isn't going to be able to fix this. Government-funded education for the common societal benefit of general education. However, to require a uniform standard of academic achievement and teacher qualifications across the country is a noble but unrealistic idea. Some schools have more low achieving students than others. Highly-qualified teachers may be attracted to high-quality schools, and no amount of bonus or benefits will lure them to low quality schools, especially in bad neighborhoods.
Trade -free
Welfare -All social services need victims to justify their existence. If there were no victims, there would be no reason for these services. Consequently, they create victims from thin air while believing completely that what they are doing is helping the people whose lives they are destroying.
Campaign finance -Political campaigns are one of the foundations of democracy. Free speech - while protecting all kinds of speech - was meant to especially protect political speech. Limiting how much a person spends, who they spend it on and how they spend it is abridging their right to speak on political issues.
Death penalty -is an extreme exertion of state power and is of little use in a free society, and it is of great use to a tyrannical government.
Social Security -obviously not the product of rational thought.
Environment -Again, I'll take the libertarian stance on this:make government officials personally liable for the environmental damage they do; repeal taxes and regulations that discourage free-market environmentalism; and make polluters pay for their crimes.
Civil Liberties -rights rest originally in individuals and never in groups. Of course, any discrimination done by a tax-payer funded organization or business should never be permitted.