New word for you: Telegony
Telegony is the discredited belief that a woman's chromosomes are changed by her partners, meaning that her future children may carry genetic traits of a man other than her future husband/mate.
The belief in telegony grew from faulty experiments with farm animals in the 19th Century. Charles Darwin even cited the concept in his works. The Eugenics Movement, which sought to produce pure and superior people through better breeding, readily embraced telegony.
In the 20th Century in America, white supremacists and religious fundamentalists picked up telegony to condemn anyone who engaged in interracial relationships as being "genetically polluted."
Believe it or not, despite modern scientific proof to the contrary, the belief in telegony is experiencing a resurgence in the states of the former Soviet Union.
Woman's first partner may become genetic father of all her kids, telegony says
One of the ardent advocates of telegony, candidate of historical sciences Valery Bochkarev says that if a woman has had lots of sexual contacts with various men before her first childbirth she then has her chromosome chain absolutely polluted. And when she gets pregnant from her husband and gives birth to her child it is hardly likely that this baby will be purely the man’s one in the genetic point of view.
Know the word and what it implies when you see it. :)