Your Feelings About College Athletes Being Paid?

I think looking at this issue in isolation oversimplifies the situation. At the end of the day, I think you have to look at what a school is supposed to represent and the goals it was established to accomplish. It's primary mission hasn't changed, but it has been perverted due to the greed and corruption of it's leaders. It's hard to expect more from the students when their provided leaders are acting so irresponsibly.

Schools were built to provide our children a safe place to congregate to learn, to grow, to receive mentorship and life experience in a safe, protected environment. *cough, we're looking at you PSU, cough* The schools sole purpose for existance are the students themselves. The fact that the administrators and coaches, etc have made it about themselves is a crime against humanity and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Schools were not built to make people millionaires, to become captains of industry, to treat their students like absolute pawns in their game and have blatant double standards that foster even more corruption. It's clear they view ethics more as an annoyance rather than a virtue they are tasked to instill within their students. They have covered up boys getting molested, sending players back into the game with concusions, overlooked steroids and other harmful medical issues, applied double standards based upon value to the team, revoked scholarships at their whims, made false promises to recruits, oversigned recruits, arrange strippers/orgies/drinking binges for underage recruits and these are just some of the tricks that we know...

If their leaders create this type of environment for the students, I don't know how we can expect more out of the kids. It's appalling.

If you ask me, the answer is not giving the students a free-pass. The answer is that we need to clean-house of the leadership and return to a healthy learning environment like the school was built to provide.

Take the billions of dollars, provide better scholarships for everyone. Reduce the compensation of the leaders, because clearly they have forgotten what's important. Provide better insurance policies for career-ending injuries and long-term medical care. Use the profits to actually accomplish the primary mission of the school and return the campus to a safe, protected environment where the kids are able to grow.

It's not the NCAA's responsibility to be NFL-light. Their job and focus is to teach and mentor these kids while providing a safe environment. That's it. It's so simple, yet the leaders have forgotten that basic premise as they are soley focused on the millions they are milking out of the system.

I don't want to hear about free enterprise or making the most money the market allows or any of that nonsense in a not-for-profit setting. You telling me that all of the millions rolling in at Penn State purchased the best man for the job? I'm pretty sure that most highschool football coaches that weren't involved in the sex abuse scandal while making $50k/year or however much they make... would have curbstomped Sandusky so hard that there would be nothing left to prosecute. The money has corrupted the coaches and leaders of the NCAA.