Missing: Republican warchest

He's an opportunist, I'll give you that. He wanted to be mayor of NYC. He had to change political parties in order to get it done.

As far as how he runs NYC, the proof is in the pudding. After surviving the initial push back, he has NYC running better than even his predecessor.

I don't know if you've had a chance to read this yet. Interesting article.

And now he's left the GOP. For what reason?:scratch:
He has done some good things for NYC, but some of his policies or views don't sit well with me. The article you linked to talks about his support for his Kyoto Protocol which would be a huge disaster for the US especially considering that the 2 of the biggest polluters in the world(China, India) aren't even included. I support his need to try to clean up the enviroment, but his views on that subject seem a little extreme to me.

The article talked about his support for stem cells, but didn't specify what kind of stem cells. I'm guessing they are talking about embryonic stem cells because the said Bush didn't support it. I support adult and fetal stem cells, but I do not support research with embryonic stem cells.

He left the GOP, but is that a suprise to anyone? He was a career democrat that switched to the GOP for political expiediency.

There are definitely some things to like about Bloomberg, but his nanny state policies make me less likely to support him if I am looking at independents.