Bush the better back the past 2 weeks

i'm not knocking Deuce, i just think that Reggie is finally starting to put it together. i'm tired of everybody saying if "Deuce touched the ball more we'd win" thats ridiculous. we have averaged 550 yds oer games over the last 2. how can anyone argue with that. stop the turnover stop the losses.

Look back at our victories... and look at Deuce's production...

then, close your browser, reopen it, and look at Deuce's lack of opportunities TO produce in the losses... you'll notice an alarming trend...

We're not tryig to say that "Deuce + touch = win," it's not that simple... BUT... when you virtually abandon the run with so much time left... you become PREDICTABLE... sub Deuce's name for Bush, Stecker, or hell, even Karney, and I'd still be saying the same thing.... DON'T BE PREDICTABLE... which we were...
with noted exceptions, Cincy expected throw and got it... expected run and got it... and when they expected throw and we came out with a run... we succeeded...

PS... we've averaged 550 yards in offense over the last two games and lost both of them... big pretty numbers only mean so much, we've won by doing less...