Do no harm: Who should bear the costs of retired NFL players’ medical bills?
Good post, Randy. I've made that point a few times now on this board and to some people during discussions, but it's like people can't separate reality from make believe land.
Reality is the answer is simple : this is a workers comp issue and they should consider its eligibility for payment. After that, if its denied, well then it's like the same as if you or me hurt our knee at home. Who is responsible, who will pay? We will
Some of you seem extremely jaded and opinionated about the legitimacy of workers compensation insurance and I encourage you to do some research about case acceptance rates vs denial rates. Just because your deadbeat uncle's claim was denied doesn't mean they deny everything and ask questions later.
I worked for a WC firm for about 6 years and nearly every case is accepted and paid in full. I hated the company and have no reason to lie for the industry, but I saw the claims acceptance / denial ratios, including the saints, and they make the naysayers sound very, well, ignorant of reality.
Truth is we don't know the facts of this specific case and the reason his knee claims were denied, but it wouldn't take long to figure out if we had all of the information.