Michael J. Fox talks about campaign/Rush

Not too funny bro.

His positions are shakey at best.

Dude, how is that even a little bit funny. I take a medicine that causes Akathesia , which often described as a "Parkinson's like" side effect. If you ever have the displeasure of experiencing this disease, I seriously doubt you would think this clip of Fox is, as you put it, "shakey at best'.

Akathisia (or "acathisia") is an often extremely unpleasant subjective sensation of "inner" restlessness that manifests itself with an inability to sit still or remain motionless, hence the origin of its name: Greek a (without) + kathesis (sitting).

Akathisia may range in intensity from a mild sense of disquiet or anxiety (which may be easily overlooked) to a total inability to sit still with overwhelming anxiety and severe dysphoria (manifesting as an almost indescribable sense of terror and doom). In the most severe cases, dysphoria can be so severe that the patient is literally compelled to take action, leading, possibly, to suicide attempts. It is not uncommon to have patients literally run out of a hospital or emergency room.