Oops, that's my number (Senator Vitter)[MULTI-MERGED]

Yes, prostitution and solicitation are crimes--but so is in some states allowing your 20 year-old child to drink a glass of wine inside your house.

Vitter has to answer to many people for his actions--certainly to his wife, and one feels for his children. But not to me--not at the level of resignation.

To those of you advocating that Vitter resign, my questions:

1. Would it matter if Vitter had simply had multiple affairs rather than used escorts?

2. Would it matter had Vitter never campaigned on social or family values?

What is the outrage principally based on? That he cheated on his wife? That he used prostitutes? That his personal life is contrary to his political statements?

I questioned in an earlier post whether this is old news. To some extent, it is. Perhaps not Vitter using the services of the D.C. Madam. But it has been known for some time that Vitter has not been entirely faithful and that he and his wife received counseling.

I frankly am more upset that people like Larry Flynt are engaging in this game of destroying political opponents regardless of the cost involved and the weapon used.

1. Yes it does matter that Vitter solicited prostitutes. That shows contempt for the law, rather than just contempt for the vow he took before the God he so conveniently envokes at every turn.

2. Yes it does matter that Vitter ran as the family values candidate. His socially conservative stances were essentially the meat and potatos of his campaign. He rebuffed earlier claims that he was involved with the New Orleans Madam as vicious lies, which was a lie in itself, all the while promoting himself as the values candidate. And then he gets involved with the DC Madam. I think that's pretty significant, and I don't understand why you don't.