Yeah mighty strange how my response was deleted, though absolutely respectful and concise. Ill let BC have his + reps. I simply stated that the Chinese are renowned for substituting goods. I'm keenly aware as a defense contractor employee, of just how much they will, and will continue to attack our cyber and otherwise defenses in search of information. How would you feel if the Chinese had gained access to our new Virginia Class submarines under construction? I know I'd hurl. I'd expect that anyone reading this would, also.
You people need to let this black vs white **** go. We're all Americans. Some more than others. I don't just look out for my own. I aid in building weapons for the good of us all. It's that simple. I'm a patriot, and only get ****** when reading these forums. Otherwise, my life is just swell. I love my country, and I'm proud to contribute. I have no shame in stating just how much I disdain China. I've plainly stated just how dismal I think their human rights record is. Deleted.... I've made no mention of any Chinese immigrant or citizen, yet you two clowns would make it appear that Id discriminate against them to earn cheap + reps.
Id also like to file a complaint about being deleted and censored for no reason. Ill pick on the Russians next time, I reckon... I think that's just silly to delete a perfectly benign and reasonable response to someone attacking me for saying what more than a few others have also said here. The Chinese steal our intellectual properties, and are actively seeking to undermine our economy. Deal with it. I'm saying it again
I get deleted for saying this, while some other fool gets + reps while attacking me for stating so? Wow... What a country...