Oops, that's my number (Senator Vitter)[MULTI-MERGED]

SF11, I understand and appreciate your point. I am still not sure what it says about his sense of ethics with regard to his duties as a U.S. Senator or elected official. But it certainly says something about his belief in being entitled--that he is above ordinary people and ordinary rules and about an exceptional arrogance that is simply reckless. I have never been a particular fan of Vitter.

But the public humiliation seems a sufficient public penalty for what he has done. Vitter for the rest of his life, regardless of what else he does, will have to answer the question why from his children and will know that his obituary will discuss this scandal. And because of the way the disclosure has come out--Larry Flynt offering a reward for information to destroy politicians--we have seen further debasement of our political process.

And I don't believe he will resign.