Oops, that's my number (Senator Vitter)[MULTI-MERGED]
So Roy Fletcher, who's doing Jindal's media work, thinks Vitter won't last the week (or at least he has been quoted as saying that). Way to go, Roy. With friends like you, politicians don't need enemeies (unless we're talking about Larry Flynt).
What's going to happen?
First, Dave Treen needs to stop talking about his going to the Senate--Dave, look for a vacation home in Destin or Arizona--and the crazy GOP committee people need to stop talking about Vitter becoming a Democrat.
Second, Kathleen isn't cutting any deals. She's enjoying seeing Vitter and his party twist in the wind. Does the word Schadenfreunde come to mind? Because it's Vitter, Kathleen is particularly enjoying this. She surely would welcome Vitter resigning, but she surely is not going to agree that another Republican should take his place.
Third, if Vitter's actions ended in 2001--and there now seems doubt about whether he visited the Canal Street brothel--this story as a national story ends in a week. If Vitter says I'm sorry, but this is six years old, and I'm not resigning, what are you going to do?
Fourth, again if this is about conduct between 1999 and 2001, Wendy Vitter can affect public opinion in a news cycle. If she comes out and says: I have known this. David's conduct almost destroyed our marriage, but because of our children we worked hard to save our marriage. David and I are both humiliated by Larry Flynt's disclosure, but we are adults. But this story is about something that happened eight years ago. I have four children. The oldest is 13, and our youngest is four. It has hurt badly my four children, and I will never, never forgive Larry Flynt for what he has done. And if Larry Flynt thinks that his blackmail tactics are going to change how my husband votes on issues, he is totally mistaken. Our marriage with hard work overcame what actially happened. And we are not to run or quit because of news stories about what happened years ago in the past.
This doesn't mean Vitter won't have problems in 2010. But news becomes old fast. And Bill Clinton makes today how much per speech?