the VG board football thread

Exactly, and most of the time we got drunk and moved on. Complaining about players or the team for days/the entire season is a far "cry" from refwhining.

I guess too, when I see us have two three and outs, one on their 24 yard line and no calls against us to stop us, it's hard to see a call later or before as even 1% as significant as those failures to just move the chains once and take another 2:10+ of the clock, or Heaven forbid, get in the zone to ice it.

Jerry Rice fumbling at the 1 and punching the padded wall in the Dome then turning around to see it's a touchdown; that was a lot tougher to take.

I can recall just last year when we refwhined for weeks on end. Or was that two years ago? During and after the lockout of the officials.

But you're right though. You won't see me in posting in the refwhining threads the rest of the week, heh.