Time for a draft? What say you?

Very good counter-argument there B (of course I am returning the sarcasm). Hey, like it or not, this is a conversation that we are going to have more of in this country as long as the war rages.

Canada? Good grief. I would fight in 5 more wars before ever running to another country for anything!

Where is the patriotism Bclemms? Is it simply more patriotic if someone else's blood flows?

psssst - in case you did not know, we have all religions in the military, come check us out one Sunday, I will meet you there with a recruiter..LOL - j/k - I think...


I just don't believe that a draft is the answer as long as it is not necessary. If things get bad enought their will be plenty of volunteers, myself included. I wouldn't run to Canada and try to slide through the cracks if the draft did come about but I would fight the idea tooth and nail. I believe that when you start forcing people to fight that don't want to then you are putting other soldiers at risk and it would also create a split among the country at the time unity is needed most. The best military is a volunteer military and it is much more than a saying. Like I said, if it came down to this country losing a war in which it would effectively lose our democratic society then you wouldn't need a draft and if we are fighting a war that we can't win with our current military and the outcome has no bearing on our countries immediate welfare then we shouldn't be fighting that war. I think it is pretty cut and dry but all the politicians and political party bs wont ever make it that simple.

The last thing I would want to happen is be drafted, sent to another country that isn't an immediate threat to the country because of some bad political agenda then get stuck fighting next to a guy that spent the week before protesting the war while flashing the peace sign.