Oops, that's my number (Senator Vitter)[MULTI-MERGED]

I commented right after the statements that I thought they were well delivered, but that the WWL TV crew seemed critical both before and after. It seems that jimwnola found the same media response from the radio station he was listening to.

I don't know what to think about the New Orleans allegations. On the one hand, the smoke has been substantial over the years, and there are the allegations by the madam and the prostitute. On the other hand, the public comment by the attorneys for the madam and by Jim Letten that they know of no evidence of Vitter's involvement was strong. And short of documentation or video, how do you prove this?

Saint El Lay, I don't know what you mean by "defend," but your statement is out of line. I don't think I have defended Vitter, but yes, I have said let's put it in some perspective, and I do not want to see him resign because he used a prostitute years ago.

I am a registered Republican. I am somewhat conservative, which means not conservative on all issues, especially social issues. I voted for John Kennedy, not Vitter, in 2004. I certainly prefer Vitter in the Senate over someone Blanco would appoint like Chris John. I have never liked politicians--including Bobby Jindal whom I support--using social issues as clubs in political campaigns. Vitter admittedly has done that. He was wrong to do it regardless of whether he cheated on his wife.

However, if we throw out of Congress everyone who is a hypocrite on some issue, we'll have about five people standing. And for what it is worth, hypocrisy is not necessarily a politician saying I consider marriage a sacred and incredibly important institution, and then cheating on his spouse.

One can know the difference between right and wrong, believe the difference is important, and still do wrong. That's not necessarily hypocrisy. It can simply be human weakness.

I keep hearing all this talk about hypocrisy and engaging in illegal conduct. It comes down to a politician cheated on his wife with a prostitute, and we don't know how often though it appears it happened in the past.

In a strange way, because Vitter who has always come across as haughty and arrogant has been brought down a peg or two, he might just become a better human being and in the long run a better Senator. Admittedly, this is the contrarian view. But as people on this forum know, I am often a contrarian.