Arrow - Spoilers galore

Yeah. The mask scene was pretty good, but I was more excited with the Barry Allen scene that preceded it. He's got a 3rd episode this season that was originally supposed to be near the end, but I've heard they moved it up to be the next new episode in January since they decided to give him his own show with a full pilot. The live-action Flash show was on CBS when I was a kid and I loved every episode (and still do thanks to the entire series being in a $15 DVD set I found at Best Buy a couple years ago), so I'm excited to see where they take him. All the Flash love aside, though, Arrow is pretty awesome right now. WAY better than Smallville was by this point in its run (and pretty much the whole way through save for some select episodes).

Whoops, so much at the end. Sorry. I think I meant the, like, fourth to last scene. Slade with the full on eye-patch look. Though, both the Flash origin and the mask were very worthy.