what is the best rock n roll song of all time?

I think alot of one's opinion of the "best" rock and roll song depends on when you grew up as well. I cut my teeth in the mid-late 80's so I loved Zeppelin, Thin Lizzy, early Van Halen, AC/DC as well the British Invasion of metal in the 80's. Rock and Roll (to me) should have an attitude, is not always clean or about the best musical chops, and is definately anti-establishment but most of all sounds good LOUD. I already voted on Ace of Spades which embodies all these traits but alot of early Ramones, Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, even early Metallica has these qualities but I completely understand the guys that liked the Progressive bands of the 70's as well, great musicianship, mind-blowing live shows, etc. Nowadays I couldn't tell you what kids like other than hip-hop ;).

I agree about it having to sound good LOUD. Something that just jams.

Great point about not necessarily having to have a Steve Perry voice. Nobody is going to confuse Yes' Jon Anderson with freddie mercury, but boy did it fit that band perfectly.

You're my age, but I was influenced by my older brother who loved the Beatles. The best era of music for me is 1965-1980. Not just rock, but pop and R&B/soul music. I love it all. I think there was a void in the music world with the hair hands of the mid to late 80s (sorry but I just could not buy the cheesiness of the music and vocals, save for David Coverdale formerly of Deep Purple). Thank God Nirvana came out with Teen Spirit to effectively kill off that music.