Virginia Traffic Tickets

Point of order, the extreme fines are for reckless driving, not going 10 miles over or parking in a no-parking zone.

I don't think $3k is extreme in some circumstances. Auto accidents kill ~50,000 americans a year, most of which could be prevented if people drove smarter.

speeding doesn't kill people, collisions kill people. (guns don't kill people, people kill people.)

Why in the world should you pay huge fines just because you are going faster than what someone else thinks I should. I guarranttee that 99% of the speed limits had no real thought put into it as to why it should be that speed. Also, many speed traps are designed to trick you into speeding.

People make mistakes. I remember when my mom was driving my car one day, and she wasn't used to the feel of it. She was going over 90 on the interstate and didn't even realize it. Therefore I told her that you do realize you are going over 90, right? And she practically slammed on the breaks cause she had no idea. One little mistake shouldn't potentially break you financially just because some stupid group of politicians can't manage a budget for road construction. Aren't we already paying for all the stupid toll roads as it is? VA politicians are terrible, they need to totally reevaluate their entire system for traffic. They aren't modernizing their system, they are just aggrivating their residents they are supposed to serve and turning this into a communist state by trying to control every second of our lives. What happened to the land of the free? I certainly don't feel free when I am driving anymore.