Did Earl Campbell deseve to be put into Canton

Well let me take it a step further: Do you think that Deuce has been hugely underrated as far as top tier RB's go thorugh his career? If you look at Deuce, the guy rarely has ever mentioned in the same breath as Jamal Lewis, LT, hell even Larry Johnson gets more reps then Deuce has gotten over the past few years.

Look at this way: Deuce ran for over 1600 yards in one season in 2003 hell thats almost MVP worthy and he did it with a 8-8 team too, yet he gets very little attention compared to Shaun Alexander and company.

I agree when it comes to programs like ESPN and Fox, but when it comes to opposing players and coaches, as well as former players and coaches like the crew on Sirius, for the last 3 years they have all taken notice of Deuce. And that is where it will count the most come balot time. Some of our bad Saints teams had no business winning some of the games we won. Like beating Tampa twice in the year they won the Superbowl, thanks to Deuce averaging 130 yards against them every time he plays. Deuce may not get the mentioned in the same breath, but only becuase his fantasy football numbers aren't as consistant over the years. As for as how good a player he is, everyone in the league knows he is a MAN among boys.