Virginia Traffic Tickets

MLU, by your logic... why don't we execute litter bugs? We'd never have litter anywhere again.

Or why don't we give life sentences to those who don't pay their taxes?

Why don't we confiscate everything a person owns, if they steal a piece of gum from a store?

Or how about charge $1050 bucks and making it a felony for failure to give proper signal?

Or how about "Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax."

Oh wait, I forgot, they are already doing the last two. And that doesn't even include how it affects your insurance rates for the next 11 years.

Not everyone is rich, and not everyone is "perfect" like you, MLU. Excuse me if I don't believe you should have your hands cut off for making a small mistake (accidental or on purpose.)