Virginia Traffic Tickets
First of all, why would you ever need to go over 80 mph? You're not a physician, paramedic, firefighter or police officer, so whatever reason you have to shave seconds off of your arrival time (and yes, you will only arrive a few seconds earlier than observing the speed limit) is probably not good enough for you to be driving that fast. Those laws are there for a reason and it's in your best interests to observe them.
MLU, by your logic... why don't we execute litter bugs? We'd never have litter anywhere again.
Or why don't we give life sentences to those who don't pay their taxes?
Why don't we confiscate everything a person owns, if they steal a piece of gum from a store?
You hear that? It was your credibility going out the window.
Not everyone is rich, and not everyone is "perfect" like you, MLU. Excuse me if I don't believe you should have your hands cut off for making a small mistake (accidental or on purpose.)
I can't really believe that I am going to dignify your lunacy with a response, but here goes:
If I were rich, I wouldn't take such care to avoid getting traffic tickets. I'm not perfect, but I do have a perfect driving record. Perhaps that's why such laws do not concern me?
Let me leave you with this: It has been my observation that Arkansas is one of the cleanest states that you will ever drive through. The entire state is practically a Nat'l Park and while I do not wish to ever live there, I have spent many a wonderful day camping or canoing there.
A first offense misdemeanor littering conviction in Arkansas is subject to
"one thousand dollars ($1,000) and sentenced to one hundred (100) hours of community service"
I feel one reason Arkansas is such a clean state can be directly attributed to this law. Unless the Virgina law is about to get overturned, it appears that the Judicial System there feels it's quite rational. Perhaps the drivers in Virginia are just that bad?
Also, I am curious as to why you are championing this cause by yourself? Does no one else feel the way that you do? Are you the only person on the entire forum of over 15,000 members with this opinion?