Thinking of buying a house in NO East and flipping it

>>Who would buy a house in N.O. East right now? It's going to take a very long time to get that part of the city up and running again. I wish you the best of luck but I think it's going ot be hard to sell the house.

Actually, the best real estate agent in this city (Liz Ashe who co-owns Demand Realty) sold both my dad's house in Kennilworth and my aunt's house in Castle Manor within 50 days of putting them on the market. My dad's house went for $45k (4 BR, gutted fully) and my aunt's 1,100sf dump for $25k. If you know how to do the work yourself, you can make money. Both properties btw were bought by owner-occupants. So there is a market for people who want affordable housing. But again, in both instances, the owners knew how to hang and float sheetrock, basic plumbing and flooring. Whether money can be made flipping houses is a subject of some disagreement. But those who can do the work themselves, probably make out the best.