Just so yah know

Hurt? Not really. There were a lot of injuries that year and the team was pretty depleted and limped into the stadium. What really annoys me is that people won't shut up about Lynch's play. Y'all act like it won you a Super Bowl. Actually it's pretty sad that your team hasn't really had a play worth mentioning as much since.

I was making a joke to the OP about the loss hurting him so bad he lost a year, not making a general statement about hurting your entire fan base. The only time I even acknowledge that play on here, is when I feel like I am forced to talk about it. For me, on here for the most part I try to be as absolutely civil as possible unless I feel like I am being attacked. That play has a way of instantly polarizing me from you folks, and I don't want that. I enjoy hearing a different perspective on things, and I like trying to give one. That play didn't give us anything but hope. Hope for a bright future, where we can eventually say we are the Champs. That was it, hope. I am definitely not sorry it happened, but I am sorry it happened to your team and your fans.

Hopefully anyone who actually reads what I post here, can see that I mostly talk about the present and the future, cause that is all I can try and control. The past bothers people because they lived it, the feelings are still there. I really do like it here, and don't want to drive a wedge.