N/S PTO rules that "Redskins" is derogatory (not a case about the NFL team but likely precedent)

Ok I know its been an issue for a minority of people for some time now.. so I was wrong to say "all of a sudden" however.. I guess what I'm trying to say is A. Its an established name for a very long time now ( since 1932) B. It is a private entity C. I'm sick of political correctness. and I wish people would find more important issues to focus on.. such as fixing unemployment D. I would suggest that most people see it as an honorary name, not an offensive name.. E. What will be next? Somebody will be offended by "Saints" "Buccaneers" or "Patriots" or "Raiders" "Chiefs?"...heck why don't we just go ahead and cancel the whole NFL while we are at it? Just seems like there are more important battles to focus on... I know if I was the owner I would tell them who oppose to go buy their own franchise and leave mine alone if they don't like it..

Honest question here, but why do you care? If there are truly bigger issues to fight, why would you let something this trivial bother you? So what if they decide to change every name in the NFL? Does this really hurt any of us? Would you stop watching football if the changed the Saints name, and why? I just don't understand the outrage at something that doesn't affect you in any way, shape or form.

Redskin is offensive to an entire race of people. Every representative organization for Native American people has spoken against it. But that one Annenberg poll showed different, so we are just going to go with that. Why do we as a majority get to choose what they can be offended at, and what they need to just get over?

I'm really asking some of you this. I've laid my cards on the table before, and will do so again. I want them to change the name to anger Redskins fans, because they annoy me. I can also see where the term Redskin is offensive and agree it is probably inappropriate to have as the team name, especially for the team representing our nation's capital. I do not see anything wrong with Braves or Chiefs or Warriors like I do with Redskin. So I would tend to support the one action but not any further. But I really wouldn't care if the other teams in question decided to change their names as well. It wouldn't make me stop following the Braves or anything.

So in short, I just don't get why do some of you care so much.