N/S PTO rules that "Redskins" is derogatory (not a case about the NFL team but likely precedent)

I care because , like I said, this country has gotten so polarized that we must have to tip-toe around to other people's sensitivities because "God forbid we offend someone" Political correctness has gotten out of hand.. I think that if the "Native Americans" would've united and not fought among themselves, ( and had gunpowder) they would've stood a better chance of pushing back the European migration ( not likely though) west of the Appalachian Mountains in 1800's but through natural selection, they were not, therefore they must accept their demise. Spoils of war.. outside of that.. I think that my main beef is that I feel that there is too much Federal government interference in matters that are not in the realm of their mission. The bottom line is this , for me.. A. Its a private entity... the owner has rights... B. If the rest of the owners of the league tell Dan Snyder they wish for him to change the name of his team, then MAYBE, out of a courtesy to his constituents, he might agree.. beyond that, if you don't like it, then don't buy the product.

Wow...uh... wow...