Oops, that's my number (Senator Vitter)[MULTI-MERGED]
So because YOU attribute the bill to Katrina (who wrote the legislation and saw it approved by a Congress, Senate and President with very little motivation to do so) it means that she hasn't done anything? You think that bill wrote and passed itself? There were several bills regarding the offshore royalties and it's not by accident that this one was chosen over all the others. Bobby Jindal was attempting to push a bill through that was much more favorable to Louisiana, but couldn't do it even when his Party was the ruling Party.
Katrina only legitimized the need for such a bill. It was going to write or pass itself. It is unbelievably impressive for a second term Senator to get that kind of legislation passed. She gets extra credit because she's a Democrat and the Government was majroty GOP at the time.
I am far from a strong supporter of Mary and would like to see more effectiveness myself, but I have to face the fact that she is a second term Senator from a state with only a handful of electoral votes. No Senator gets anything done until they have built up political capital. When you have a Senator who has proven to be competent and a good representative for your state, you send than back so they can gather that political capital.
She currently sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee which she recently landed after the Democrats took control of the Senate. She has by far been the loudest voice for Katrina victims.
For the fans of the GOP, she was heavily involved in the Missile Defense Bill. She is also huge in agencies involved in adoption and supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as well as the ban on 'desecration of the American flag' (which the Democratic Party voted against). I only mention any of this to show that she is a respectable moderate in Washington. What she needs now is seniority and that can only come with time.
I think that you should be banned from posting on the EE until you retract your baseless statements.