Virginia Traffic Tickets

Actually I always wear a seatbelt, but thanks for making baseless assumptions. Fact of the matter is, technology has advanced, but speed limits have not. Also, the severity of the offense does NOT match the severity of the penalty. Fact, even the BEST of drivers make mistakes, and I would imagine every driver on this board has at one time done something to earn one of these extreme fines. I would also bet anything that you have done something to merit one of these fines as well, so don't go off on me for my driving habits when you don't know me and you aren't perfect yourself.

Please...why do you keep saying mistakes? You're not going to get a reckless driving ticket in the middle of nowhere for not giving a signal. You probably will get one if you cut someone off in rush hour traffic going 70. There is a difference. One is a mistake and the other is poor judgment. Call it what it is.