Randy Rhoads Isolated guitar tracks

Rhoades is a prodigy and a legend.
It all gets down to genre and what you like.
Gilmour does it for me. :9:
Right but dont go saying Gilmour was a master and Rhoads just had great talent. Both have equal talent within their playing style. If someone went to you and said Clapton is God. Would you agree? I sure as hell dont.
There are plenty of guitar Gods out there. It depends on the sytle you like. But key is taking bits and pieces from as many as you can and incorporate it into YOUR style.

For me, Toni Iommi was THE reason I picked up guitar. And I still think Sabbath is/was the best band in the world. Their first 2 albums to me are phenominal. I picked up playing JUST to play Sabbath. That was all! I started learnign Sabbath tunes, intro, ect and from their I started creating my own music. Now Im no prodigy, genius or anything. but my mind is pretty creative to come up with music. I've written a few things and Im not very good a t lead, but I could write on sheet music and make it sound pretty damn good. I just havent honed my chops to play it. I dont know much of anything about theory. I just know what can go together and sound good. I started getting away from 3 chord songs. I found it too easy. Friends told me I played too technical. But thats what came out of my head when I just piece it together. Not my fault I cant play what I hear inside. lol But there are a ton of guys I enjoy listenign to besides just Iommi , Rhoads, Wylde. Late 60s/early 70s there's a plethora of guitarists who were phenominal...