Poker Thread
I've heard mixed news on Neteller...a quick search this morning reveals this:
You will also most likely not be able to use services such as Neteller
and Firepay to circumvent the spirit of the law. The language in the
bill prevents "financial transaction providers" from sending money to
gambling sites, and those services will most likely be covered within
the confines of the law. They are covered under the language,
“operator of a terminal at which an electronic fund transfer may be
initiated” within the law. Neteller is a British company and so it
might ignore the American laws-- however, if it does and Americans are
still gambling in that way, you can be assured that laws will probably
follow to prohibit American banks specifically from sending money to
Neteller or to foreign banks in general. American banks will most
likely take the initiative themselves and forbid transfers to Neteller
or Firepay.